Call for Application for the “4th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”
1. Objective
This award has been created to publicly celebrate Professor Josef Kreiner in his remarkable academic efforts to promote Japanese studies in Europe and at Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS). At the same time we want to encourage overseas scholars of Japanese studies and to contribute to further development in this academic field.
2. Responsible Organisation
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS).
3. Qualification Requirements
(1) Application Qualification
Scholars of Japanese studies under 45 years old* who live outside of Japan or whose affiliation is outside of Japan.
* If an applicant submits an unpublished article, the age shall be under 45 years old when he/she submits it; if an applicant submits a published article, the age shall be under 45 years old when it was published.
(2) Application Objective
a. Research that has used the database of Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections (JBAE)*.
* URL: http://aterui.i.hosei.ac.jp:
b. Research on Japanese culture.
4. Application Guidelines
(1) Regulations for the Application Article
a. It does not matter whether the application article is published or unpublished.
b. A published article or book should be published after 1st January 2017.
c. An unpublished article should amount to approximately 24000 characters in Japanese (A4 size paper: 40 characters x 40 lines x 15 pages), or approximately 12000 words in English.
d. The language of the article should be Japanese or English. (Japanese is highly recommended).
e. The applicant shall attach a summary of the article separately on the top page (A4 size paper; 1 page).
f. The applicant shall present his/her name, title of the article, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and brief profile (e.g. year of birth, current occupation, outline of past research, list of publications and record of awards) on a cover page.
(2) Deadline of Application
The application must reach us no later than Tuesday, 31st July 2018.
(3) Submission method
a. In the case of a published article or book, the applicant shall send it (the original or copy), with the summary prescribed in 4-(1)-e, to the following mailing address:
[Mailing Address]
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies
2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8160, JAPAN
* The applicant shall write in red on the front of the envelope “Application for the Hosei University Award for International Japanese
b. In the case of an unpublished article, the applicant shall send the data converted into PDF format (embodied font), attached in an e-mail, or by using a convenient storage service. Total capacity of the attached file shall be no more than 6 MB.
[E-mail Address]
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies
* The applicant shall title the e-mail “Application for the Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”. When we have received your application, we will notify you of its reception via e-mail.
c. An article or book sent as part of the application will not be returned to the applicant. Personal information written on the cover page will be properly disposed of.
(4) Inquiries
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies
5. Announcement of Winner
HIJAS will send an announcement of the result to the winner, and will put the winner’s name and summary on the official website of HIJAS. If
the winning article is unpublished, in principle the article will be published in the International Japanese Studies, the bulletin of HIJAS.
6. Contents of Award
(1) HIJAS will invite the award winner to a presentation ceremony which will be held in Japan on a convenient day before the beginning of March 2018. The total expense for a round trip airplane ticket (economy class), city transportation from the airport of arrival in Japan to the place of stay in Japan, and accommodation in Japan (for three nights) is covered by HIJAS.
* If the winning article has co-author(s), the first author shall be invited to Japan.
* Further discussion is needed on the above-mentioned content.
(2) The award winner shall make a speech in HIJAS based on the winning article.
(3) An extra prize as part of the award is 100,000 Japanese Yen (after tax).
(4) In principle the winning article will be published in International Japanese Studies, the bulletin of HIJAS. After publication HIJAS will present three copies of the journal and 50 copies of the offprint to the award winner.
* When the winning article has been published in International Japanese Studies, the copyright belongs to HIJAS; HIJAS has a right to digitalize and make publicly available the published article.
7. Selection Process
All submitted articles are examined by the selection committee (in principle consisting of over three members) and the result is decided by the implementation of the steering committee of HIJAS.